Thursday 25 June 2009

055. Pictures

*Now that its summer and all, I should really get started trying to set up my own page properly. You know one with my own template and url. I sort of forgot all about it. Typical me really. 
One of the cutest babies ever!
Super cute, super cuddly, above all always happy!
Though, he did pee on me. Uh-huh.

Can't say my make-up is too bad really.
♥ Lancome.

I got my first ever work contract yesterday, months overdue that is. But yay! Sadly enough, my pay is not till like forever since July is a non working month. And this year I get no holiday money since I would be submitting my work thinggymajig a bit later. Oh well! 
But can you believe it, I actually have got a job! Wee! 

I already know what I want to invest my money on. Besides some stocks in the share market that is. :)

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