Oh hai!
So I did.
And now, I am so proud of myself I want to go hug myself.
I found things to throw, things to sell, things to donate, things that I just want to burn because I don't know what prompt me to buy it, and some things that definitely do not belong to me.
So yeah. That was my day today.
Now, I found some things I might want to "sell" on my "Blogshop" so, I guess that is partly exciting? I think I might update that page tomorrow!
Okay, got nothing more to say for now, got to get dress for Magnar's Halloween meet? I know it is not a Costume Party or anything, but what if I wanted to come as something awesome? Hrmph.
But this Russel Peter's is hilariously good. (I refuse to admit that it is kind of true...)
Watch it for a good Saturday laugh!
I am ranting now, but isn't that what I always do anyways?