Thursday 26 November 2009

145. Pictures

Retard picture! :)

Oh, don't I just look excited!


Okay, back to my ranting session. I should name this blog "Come and rant with me" instead sometime.
Today was my uncle's birthday, and he turned... 29 (so he claims)

So, For this to be his birthday it isn't very "happening" at all. Right now all of us are sitting in the hall watching some norwegian comedy, Karl & Co. which isn't very funny at all if you ask me, but my uncle absolutely loves it. Guess it is the old people's humor.

And since it is his birthday, he does get the Veto vote! :)

Earlier today for his Birthday, we all headed out to Egon, Lillestrøm for some dinner and drinks and to put it nicely and simply, the food blatantly sucks.
Absolutely totally most definitely not recommended at all.

Can't get over the clarity, honey.

So, yeah. That was my day today. :)
How has yours been?

Music plug for today : Coeur de Pirate

I recommend Comme des enfants and Francis.
How can you resist her French charm right? <3

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